Active1 year, 11 months ago

ALGORITHM DESIGN JON KLEINBERG EVA TARDOS PDF - Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Jon Kleinberg is a Tisch University Professor of Computer Science at Cornell University. His research focuses on. Kleinberg, Jon. Algorithm design / Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos.—1st ed.´. Jon Kleinberg is a professor of Computer Science at Cornell University. He received his Ph.D. He is the recipient of an NSF Career Award, an ONR Young Investigator Award, an IBM Outstand.

The book is full of interesting questions, but since I am learning it myself, it would be a great help if I can find solutions to at least some of the questions.

Anyone knows anything about this?

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closed as off topic by casperOneNov 28 '12 at 14:22

Algorithm Design Jon Kleinberg Solutions

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1 Answer

The book's website, has a wiki with solutions.


Algorithm Design Jon Kleinberg Pdf Online

Uwe Keim
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Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg,Éva Tardos Book Summary:

August 6, 2009 Author, Jon Kleinberg, was recently cited in the New York Times for his statistical analysis research in the Internet age. Algorithm Design introduces algorithms by looking at the real-world problems that motivate them. The book teaches students a range of design and analysis techniques for problems that arise in computing applications. The text encourages an understanding of the algorithm design process and an appreciation of the role of algorithms in the broader field of computer science.