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    • Start Acrobat Distiller.

    • In an Adobe Creative Cloud application, choose File > Print, select Adobe PDF as the target printer, and click Print Settings (Photoshop) or Setup > Preferences (InDesign).

    • (Windows) In Office 2010 or later applications, choose Acrobat > Preferences.

    • (Windows) In another authoring application or utility, choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Settings.

  1. Choose a preset from the Default Settings (or ConversionSettings) menu.

A PDF preset is a group of settings that affect the process of creating a PDF. These settings are designed to balance file size with quality, depending on how the PDF are used. Most predefined presets are shared across Adobe Creative Cloud applications, including InDesign CC, Illustrator CC, Photoshop CC, and Acrobat. You can also create and share custom presets for your unique output requirements. A saved PDF preset file has the suffix .joboptions.

A few of the following presets are not available until you move them from the Extras folder (where they installed by default) to the Settings folder for custom settings.


Acrobat Standard does not include the Extras folder. The presets installed in the Extras folder are only available in Acrobat Pro.

Typically, the Extras and Settings folders for default settings are found at the following locations.

  • (Windows XP) Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe PDF

  • (Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8) ProgramData/Adobe/Adobe PDF

  • (Acrobat Pro on Mac OS) Library/Application Support/Adobe PDF

The default settings files installed with Distiller are Read OnlyandHidden.

The custom settings are found in the following locations:

  • (Windows XP) Documents and Settings/[username]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings

  • (Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8) Users/[username]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings

  • (Acrobat Pro on Mac OS) Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings

Some presets are not available in some Adobe Creative Cloud applications.


Review your PDF settings periodically. The settingsdo not automatically revert to the default settings. Applicationsand utilities that create PDFs use the last set of PDF settingsdefined or selected.

CreatesPDFs for quality printing on desktop printers and proofing devices.This preset uses PDF 1.4, downsamples color and grayscale imagesto 300 ppi and monochrome images to 1200 ppi. It also embeds subsets ofall fonts, leaves color unchanged, and does not flatten transparency(for file types capable of transparency). These PDFs can be openedin Acrobat 5.0 and Acrobat Reader 5.0and later.

CreatesPDFs suitable for viewing and printing of engineering drawings largerthan 200 x 200 in. (508 x 508 cm). These PDFs can be opened in Acrobatand Reader 7.0 and later.

Usedfor long-term preservation (archival) of electronic documents. PDF/A‑1b usesPDF 1.4 and converts all colors to either CMYK or RGB,depending on which standard you choose. These PDFs can be openedin Acrobat and Reader versions 5.0 and later.

PDF/X‑1a requires all fonts to be embedded, the appropriate PDF bounding boxes to be specified, and color to appear as CMYK, spot colors, or both. Compliant files must contain information describing the printing condition for which they are prepared. PDF files created with PDF/X‑1a compliance can be opened in Acrobat 4.0 and Acrobat Reader 4.0 and later.

PDF/X‑1a uses PDF 1.3, downsamples color and grayscale images to 300 ppi and monochrome images to 1200 ppi. It embeds subsets of all fonts, creates untagged PDFs, and flattens transparency using the High Resolution setting.


The PDF/X1‑a:2003 and PDF/X‑3 (2003) presets are placed on your computer during installation. However, they aren’t available until you move them from the Extras folder to the Settings folder.

This preset is based on PDF 1.4, which includes support for live transparency. PDF/X‑4 has the same color-management and International Color Consortium (ICC) color specifications as PDF/X‑3. You can create PDF/X‑4‑compliant files directly with Creative Suite 3 applications (Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop). In Acrobat 9, use the Preflight feature to convert PDFs to PDF/X‑4 DRAFT.

PDF files created with PDF/X‑4 compliance can be opened in Acrobat 7.0 and Reader 7.0 and later.

CreatesPDF files for high-quality print production (for example, for digitalprinting or for color separations to an imagesetter or platesetter). However,it does not create files that are PDF/X compliant. In this case,the quality of the content is the highest consideration. The objectiveis to maintain all the information in a PDF file that acommercial printer or print service provider requires to print thedocument correctly. This set of options uses PDF 1.4, converts colorsto CMYK, and downsamples color and grayscale images to 300 ppi andmonochrome images to 1200 ppi. It embeds subsets of all fonts and preservestransparency (for file types capable of transparency).

ThesePDF files can be opened in Acrobat 5.0 and Acrobat Reader 5.0and later.

Note: Before creating a PDF file tosend to a commercial printer or print service provider, find outwhat output resolution and other settings are required. Or, askfor a .joboptions file with the recommended settings. You sometimesmust customize the Adobe PDF settings fora particular provider and then provide a .joboptions file of yourown.

Creates accessible PDF files that include tags, hyperlinks, bookmarks, interactive elements, and layers. This set of options uses PDF 1.6 and embeds subsets of all fonts. It also optimizes files for byte serving. These PDF files can be opened in Acrobat and Reader 7.0 and later. (The Rich Content PDF preset is in the Extras folder).


This preset was called eBook in earlier versions of some applications.

CreatesPDF files for displaying on the web or an intranet, or for distributionthrough an email system. This set of options uses compression, downsampling,and a relatively low image resolution. It converts all colors to sRGB,and (for Adobe Acrobat Distiller-based conversions)does not embed fonts. It also optimizes files for byte serving.

ThesePDF files can be opened in Acrobat and Reader 6.0 and later.

Creates PDF files to be printed todesktop printers or digital copiers, published on a CD, or sentto a client as a publishing proof. This set of options uses compressionand downsampling to keep the file size down. However, it also embedssubsets of all (allowed) fonts used in the file, converts all colorsto sRGB, and prints to a medium resolution. Windows font subsetsare not embedded by default. PDF files created with this settingsfile can be opened in Acrobat and Reader 6.0 and later.

PDF/X, PDF/E, and PDF/A standards aredefined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).PDF/X standards apply to graphic content exchange; PDF/E standardsapply to the interactive exchange of engineering documents; PDF/Astandards apply to long-term archiving of electronic documents.During PDF conversion, the file that is being processed is checked againstthe specified standard. If the PDF does not meet the selected ISO standard,you are prompted to either cancel the conversion or create a non-compliantfile.

The most widely used standards for a print publishingworkflow are several PDF/X formats: PDF/X‑1a, PDF/X‑3, and (in 2008)PDF/X‑4. The most widely used standards for PDF archiving are PDF/A‑1aand PDF/A‑1b (for less stringent requirements). Currently, the onlyversion of PDF/E is PDF/E-1.

For more information on PDF/X,PDF/E, and PDF/A, see the ISO and AIIM websites.

For detailson creating and working with PDF/A files, see

You may want to create customconversion settings for certain jobs or output devices. The selectionsyou make determine such things as whether the document fonts areembedded and subsetted at 100%, how vector objects and images arecompressed and/or sampled, and whether the resulting PDF includes high-endprinting information such as OPI (Open Prepress Interface) comments. Defaultsettings files cannot be modified, but can be duplicated to helpcreate new settings files.


If the PDF is intended forhigh-end printing, ask your service provider for their custom .joboptionsfile with the recommended output resolution and other settings. Thisway, the PDF you give them will have characteristics optimized foryour print workflow.

The Acrobat Distiller Adobe PDFMaker Settings > AdvancedSettings contains panels of options that you can selectto customize your PDF output.

Usethis panel to select a version of Acrobat for file compatibilityand other file and device settings.

Sets the compatibility level of the PDF. Usethe most recent version (in this case, version 1.7) to include allthe latest features and functionality. If you’re creating PDFs thatwill be distributed widely, choose an earlier level, to ensure thatall users can view and print the document.

Compressesstructural information (such as bookmarks, accessibility, and noncompressibleobjects), making this information neither visible or usable in Acrobat5.0 or Reader 5.0. Tags Only compresses structural information;Off applies no compression.

Automatically rotates pages according to the direction of text.


If Process DSC Comments is selected in the Advanced panel and if %%Viewing Orientation comments are included, these comments take precedence in determining page orientation.

Rotates all pages to match the orientation of the majorityof text in the document.

Rotates each page based on the orientation of the text onthat page.

Prevents pages from rotating.

Specifies whether to display a PDF with left side or rightside binding. The Binding setting affects the appearance of pagesin the Two-Up Continuous view and the appearance of thumbnails sideby side.

Use for PostScript files to emulate resolutions based on the printer they are printing to. Permitted values range from 72 to 4000. Use the default setting unless you plan to print the PDF on a specific printer while emulating the resolution defined in the original PostScript file.


Increasing the resolution setting increases file size and may slightly increase the time required to process some files.

Specifies which pages to convert to PDF.

Embedsa thumbnail preview for each page in the PDF, increasing the filesize. Deselect this setting when users of Acrobat 5.0 and later willview and print the PDF; these versions generate thumbnails dynamically eachtime you click the Pages panel of a PDF.

Restructures the file for faster access (page-at-a-time downloading,or byte serving) from web servers. This option compresses text andline art, overriding compression selections on the Images panel.

Specifies the page size to use when one is not specifiedin the original file. EPS files give a bounding box size, not apage size.

Theoptions in the Images panel specify compression and resampling forcolor, grayscale, and monochrome images. You may want to experimentwith these options to find an appropriate balance between file sizeand image quality.

The resolution setting for colorand grayscale images should be 1.5 to 2 times the line screen rulingat which the file will be printed. The resolution for monochromeimages should be the same as the output device, but be aware that savinga monochrome image at a resolution higher than 1500 dpi increasesthe file size without noticeably improving image quality. Imagesthat will be magnified, such as maps, may require higher resolutions.


Resamplingmonochrome images can have unexpected viewing results, such as noimage display. If this happens, turn off resampling and convertthe file again. This problem is most likely to occur with subsampling,and least likely with bicubic downsampling.

The followingtable shows common types of printers and their resolution measuredin dpi, their default screen ruling measured in lines per inch (lpi),and a resampling resolution for images measured in pixels per inch(ppi). For example, if you were printing to a 600-dpi laser printer,you would enter 170 for the resolution at which to resample images.

Printer resolution

Default line screen

Image resolution

300 dpi (laser printer)

60 lpi

120 ppi

600 dpi (laser printer)

85 lpi

170 ppi

1200 dpi (imagesetter)

120 lpi

240 ppi

2400 dpi (imagesetter)

150 lpi

300 ppi

Reduces imageresolutions that exceed the For Images Above valueto the resolution of the output device by combining pixels in a samplearea of the image to make one larger pixel.

Averagesthe pixels in a sample area and replaces the entire area with theaverage pixel color at the specified resolution.

Replaces an entirearea with a pixel selected from that sample area, at the specifiedresolution. Causes faster conversion time than downsampling, butresulting images are less smooth and continuous.

Usesa weighted average, instead of a simple average (as in downsampling)to determine pixel color. This method is slowest but produces thesmoothest tonal gradations.

Applies compression to color, grayscale,and monochrome images. For color and grayscale images, also setsthe image quality.

Smooths jagged edges in monochrome images. Choose 2 bit, 4 bit, or 8 bit to specify 4, 16, or 256 levels of gray. (Anti-aliasing may cause small type or thin lines to look blurry.)


Compression of text and line art is always on. To turn it off, set the appropriate Distiller parameter. For details, see the SDK information on the Acrobat Developer Center at (PDF, English only).

Opens the Image Policy dialog box,where you can set processing options for Color, Grayscale, and Monochromeimages that are less than the resolutions you specify. For eachtype of image, enter a resolution value, and then choose Ignore, WarnAnd Continue, or Cancel Job.

The Fonts options specifywhich fonts to embed in a PDF, and whether to embed a subset ofcharacters used in the PDF. You can embed OpenType®,TrueType, and PostScript fonts. Fonts that have license restrictionsare listed with a lock icon . Ifyou select a font that has a license restriction, the nature ofthe restriction is described in the Adobe PDF Optionsdialog box.


When you combine PDF files that have the samefont subset, Acrobat attempts to combine the font subsets.

Embeds all fonts used in the file. Font embedding is required forPDF/X compliance.

Embeds all OpenType fonts used in the file, and maintainsOpenType font information for advanced line layout. This optionis available only if either Acrobat 7.0 (PDF 1.6) or Acrobat 8 (PDF1.7) is selected from the Compatibility menu in the General panel.

Subset Embedded Fonts When Percent Of Characters UsedIs Less Than

Specifies a thresholdpercentage if you want to embed only a subset of the fonts. Forexample, if the threshold is 35, and fewer than 35% of the charactersare used, Distiller embeds only those characters.

Specifies how Distiller responds if it cannot find a font toembed when processing a file.

To embed only certain fonts, move them into the AlwaysEmbed list. Make sure that Embed All Fonts isnot selected.

Move fonts that you do not want to embed to this list. If necessary, choose a different font folder from the pop-up menu to display the font in the font list.


Fonts that have license restrictions are listed with a lock icon. If you select a font with a license restriction, the nature of the restriction is described in the Adobe PDF Options dialog box.

If the font you want is not in a font folder, click Add Name. Enter the name of the font, select Always Embed List (or Never Embed List), and click Add.


A TrueType font can contain a setting added by the font designer that prevents the font from being embedded in PDF files.

Removes a font from the Always Embed or Never Embed list. This action doesn’t remove the font from your system; it removes the reference to the font from the list.


Adobe Acrobat Distiller 4 0

Acrobat does not include the Times, Helvetica, and ZapfDingbats fonts. If you want PDF recipients to view and print these fonts in PDFs that you create, embed the fonts.

Whetheryou’re using color management information in the PostScript file,using Distiller CSFs, or defining customsettings, you set all color management information for Distilleron the Color panel of the AdobePDF Settings dialog box.

Lists color settings, including those used in graphics applications. TheNone setting lets you edit the Color Management Policiesand Working Spaces settings.

Specifies how Distiller converts unmanaged color in a PostScript file when you don’t use a Distiller color settings file. This menu is available when None is selected in the Settings File menu.


Color Management Policies values may affect a PDF differently depending on the compatibility setting you choose in the General panel.

Adobe Acrobat Distiller 4 0

Leavesdevice-dependent colors unchanged and preserves device-independentcolors as the nearest possible equivalent. This is a useful optionfor print shops that have calibrated their devices, have used that informationto specify color in the file, and are only outputting to those devices.

Tagscolor objects with an ICC profile and calibrates colors, makingthem device-independent in PDFs compatible with Acrobat 4.0 (PDF1.3) and later. Converts device-dependent color spaces in images(RGB, Grayscale, and CMYK) to device-independent color spaces (CalRGB,CalGray, and Cie L*a*b) in Acrobat 3.0 (PDF 1.2) compatible PDFs.

Tags ICC profiles in images only (not textor vector objects), which prevents black text from undergoing any colorshift when distilling Acrobat 4.0 (PDF 1.3) compatible PDFs. Converts device-dependentcolor spaces in images (RGB, Grayscale, and CMYK) to device-independentcolor spaces (CalRGB, CalGray, and Lab) in Acrobat 3.0 (PDF 1.2) compatiblePDFs.

Convert All Colors To sRGB (or Convert Everything ToCalRGB)

Calibrates color, making it device-independent.Converts CMYK and RGB images to sRGB in PDFs compatible with Acrobat4.0 (PDF 1.3) or later. Converts CMYK and RGB images to calibratedRGB (CalRGB) in Acrobat 3.0 (PDF 1.2) compatible PDFs. Recommendedfor PDFs that will be used onscreen or with low-resolution printers.

Convertscolor spaces to DeviceGray or DeviceCMYK according to the optionsspecified in the Working Spaces menu. All WorkingSpaces must be specified.

Choose a method to map colors between color spaces. The result of any particular method depends on the profiles of the color spaces. For example, some profiles produce identical results with different methods.

Acrobat shares four rendering intents (Perceptual, Saturation, Relative Colorimetric, and Absolute Colorimetric) with other Creative Suite applications.

Acrobat also includes a rendering intent called Preserve, which indicates that the intent is specified in the output device rather than in the PDF. In many output devices, Relative Colorimetric is the default intent.


In all cases, intents may be ignored or overridden by color management operations that occur subsequent to the creation of the PDF file.

Forall Color Management Policies values other than Leave ColorUnchanged, choose a working space to specify which ICCprofiles are used for defining and calibrating the grayscale, RGB,and CMYK color spaces in distilled PDFs.

Choosea profile to define the color space of all grayscale images in files. Thedefault ICC profile for gray images is Adobe Gray - 20% Dot Gain.Choose None to prevent grayscale images from being converted.

Choosea profile to define the color space of all RGB images in files.The default, sRGB IEC61966-2.1, is recognized by many outputdevices. Choose None to prevent RGB images from being converted.

Adobe Acrobat Distiller 8.0 Download

Choose a profile to define the color space of all CMYK images in files. The default is U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2. Choose None to prevent CMYK images from being converted.


Choosing None for all three working spaces has the same effect as selecting the option Leave Color Unchanged.


You can add ICC profiles (such as ones provided by your print service bureau) by placing them in the ICCProfiles folder in the Common folder, the WindowsSystemColor folder (Windows), or the System Folder/ColorSync folder (Mac OS).

Preserve CMYK Values For Calibrated CMYK Color Spaces

When selected, device-independent CMYK values are treatedas device-dependent (DeviceCMYK) values, device-independent colorspaces are discarded, and PDF/X-1a files use the Convert All ColorsTo CMYK value. When deselected, device-independent color spacesconvert to CMYK, provided that Color Management Policiesis set to Convert All Colors To CMYK.

Adobe Acrobat Distiller 4 0

Retains these settings if they existin the PostScript file. Black generation calculates the amount ofblack to use when reproducing a color. Undercolor removal (UCR)reduces cyan, magenta, and yellow to compensate for black generation.Because UCR uses less ink, it’s suitable for uncoated stock.

Specifies how to handle transfer functionsin PDFs. Transfer functions are used for artistic effect and tocorrect for the characteristics of a specific output device.

Deletes any applied transfer functions. Applied transferfunctions should be removed, unless the PDF is to be output to thesame device that the source PostScript file was created for.

Retains the transfer functions traditionally used to compensatefor dot gain or dot loss that may occur when an image is transferredto film. Dot gain or loss occurs when the ink dots that make upa printed image are larger or smaller than in the halftone screen.

Applies the transfer function, changing the colors in thefile but doesn’t keep it. This method is useful for creating coloreffects in a file.

Retains any halftone informationin files. Halftone information is intended for use with a particularoutput device.

Advanced options specifywhich Document Structuring Conventions (DSC) comments to keep ina PDF and how to set other options that affect the conversion fromPostScript. In a PostScript file, DSC comments contain informationabout the file (such as the originating application, the creationdate, and the page orientation) and provide structure for page descriptionsin the file (such as beginning and ending statements for a prologuesection). DSC comments can be useful when your document is goingto print or press.

For more information, see the documentson the Adobe PDF Technology Center at (PDF,English only).


The ASCII Format option has been removedfrom Distiller, but is still available as a Distiller parameter.

Allow PostScript File To Override Adobe PDF Settings

Uses settings stored in a PostScript file rather than thecurrent PDF settings file. For more information about customizingPDF settings, see the SDK information on the Acrobat DeveloperCenter at (PDF,English only).

PostScript XObjects store fragments of PostScript code tobe used when a PDF is printed on a PostScript printer. Use onlyin controlled workflows where there is no other option. Availablewhen the Standard or Smallest File Size isselected from the Default Settings menu.

Converts blends to smooth shades for Acrobat 4.0 and later,improving quality and reducing file size of PDFs. Distiller convertsgradients from Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe FreeHand®, CorelDraw, QuarkXPress, and MicrosoftPowerPoint.

Reduces the amount of control points used to build curvesin CAD drawings, which results in smaller PDFs and faster onscreenrendering.

Usesthe copypage operator defined in PostScript Level 2 rather thanin Language Level 3 PostScript. If you havea PostScript file and select this option, a copypage operator copiesthe page. If this option is not selected, the equivalent of a showpageoperation is executed, except that the graphics state is not reinitialized.

Retains any overprint settings in filesbeing converted to PDF. Overprint settings create color by printingone ink on top of another ink.

Prevents overprinted objects with zero CMYK values from knockingout CMYK objects beneath them.

Embedsthe settings file (.joboptions) used to create the PDF as an attachment.(To view the settings file, choose View > Show/Hide > NavigationPanes > Attachments in Acrobat.)

Processes compressed JPEG images (images that are alreadycompressed using DCT encoding) without recompressing them. Whendeselected, performance improves because only decompression, notrecompression, occurs.

Preservesa PostScript job ticket in a PDF. Job tickets describe the PostScriptfile and can be used later in a workflow or for printing the PDF.

Sends a prologue and epilogue file with each job. These files can be used to add custom PostScript code that you want to have executed at the beginning or end of every PostScript job being converted.

Sample and files are located in (Windows) /Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Distiller/Data, (Vista) /Users/All Users/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Distiller/Data, (Windows 7/8/Vista) /Users/[Username]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Distiller/Data or (Mac OS)/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Distiller/Data.

In Windows Explorer, the Application Data folder is typically hidden; to make it visible, choose Tools > Folder Options, click the View tab, and select Show Hidden Files And Folders. For Windows 7, Start > Control Panel > Folder Options > View > Show Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives. Or, you can type the path into the Address text box.


In Acrobat Standard, Distiller processes prologue and epilogue files only if both files are present and located properly. The two files must be used together.



In Acrobat Pro, Distiller processes prologue and epilogue files only if both files are present and located properly. The two files must be used together. If the prologue and epilogue files are at the same level as the In and Out folders of a watched folder, they are used instead of the ones in the Distiller folder.

MaintainsDSC information from a PostScript file.

Displays warning messages about problematic DSC commentsduring processing and adds them to a log file.

Retainsinformation for an EPS file, such as the originating applicationand creation date.

Retains informationneeded to replace a For Placement Only (FPO)image or comment with the high-resolution image located on serversthat support Open Prepress Interface (OPI) versions 1.3 and 2.0.For more information, see the OPI 2.0 specification at (PDF,English only).

Retainsdocument properties, such as the title, creation date, and time,in the PDF.

Centers an EPSimage and resizes the page to fit closely around the image. If deselected,the page is sized and centered based on the upper left corner ofthe upper left object and lower right corner of the lower rightobject on the page. This option applies only to jobs that consistof a single EPS file.

By using Standards options, you can checkdocument content in the PostScript file to make sure it meets standardPDF/X1-a, PDF/X-3, or PDF/A criteria before creating the PDF. ForPDF/X-compliant files, you can also require that the PostScriptfile meet additional criteria by selecting options in the Standards panel.The availability of options depends on the standard you select.You can also create a PDF/X file from a compliant PDF by using thePreflight feature in Acrobat.

Complies with the PDF/X standard for high-resolution print production.


PDFMaker, the conversion method used to convert Microsoft Word and other application files to PDF, does not create PDF/X-compliant files.

Complies with the PDF/A standard for archival documents.


If you set up a watched folder for creating PDF/A-compliant files in Acrobat Pro, do not add security to the folder. The PDF/A standard does not allow encryption.

Produces a report that indicates whether the file complies with the standard you select, and if not, what problems were encountered. The .log file appears at the bottom of the dialog box.


PDFs that complied with both PDF/X-1a and PDF/X-3 standards in Acrobat 6.0 default to PDF/X-1a in Acrobat XI.

Specifies whether to create the PDF if the PostScript file doesnot comply with the requirements of the standard.

Creates a PDF even if the PostScript file does not meet therequirements of the standard, and notes these problems in the report.

Creates a PDF only if the PostScript file meets the requirementsof the standard, and is otherwise valid.

Flags the PostScript file as noncompliant if one of the reporting options is selected and a trim box or art box is missing from any page.

Set TrimBox To MediaBox With Offsets (Acrobat Pro)

Adobe Acrobat Distiller Dc

Computes values for the trim box based on the offsets for the media box of respective pages if neither the trim box nor art box is specified. The trim box is always as small as or smaller than the enclosing media box.

Uses the media box values for the bleed box if the bleed box is not specified.

Set BleedBox To TrimBox With Offsets (Acrobat Pro)

Computes values for the bleed box based on the offsets for the trim box of respective pages if the bleed box is not specified. The bleed box is always as large as or larger than the enclosed trim box. This option uses the units specified on the General panel of the Adobe PDF Settings dialog box.

Indicates the characterized printing condition for which the document has been prepared, and is required for PDF/X compliance. If a document doesn’t specify an output intent profile name, Distiller uses the selected value from this menu. If your workflow requires that the document specify the output intent, choose None.

Indicates the reference name that is specified by the registry of the output intent profile name. For more information, click the question mark next to the option.


Describes the intended printing condition. This entry can be useful for the intended receiver of the PDF. For more information, click the question mark next to the option.

Indicates the web address for finding more information about the output intent profile. The URL is automatically entered for ICC registry names. The registry name is optional, but recommended. For more information, click the question mark next to the option.

Indicates the state of trapping in the document. PDF/X compliance requires a value of True or False. If the document does not specify the trapped state, the value provided here is used. If your workflow requires that the document specify the trapped state, choose Leave Undefined.

When you create PDFs,you need to decide which PDF version to use. You can change thePDF version by switching to a different preset or choosing a compatibilityoption when you save as PDF or edit a PDF preset.

Generallyspeaking, unless there’s a specific need for backward compatibility,you should use the most recent version (in this case version 1.7).The latest version will include all the newest features and functionality.However, if you’re creating documents that will be distributed widely,consider choosing Acrobat 5.0 (PDF 1.4) or Acrobat 6.0 (PDF 1.5)to ensure that all users can view and print the document.

Thefollowing table compares some of the functionality in PDFs createdusing the different compatibility settings.

Acrobat 4.0 (PDF 1.3)

Acrobat 5.0 (PDF 1.4)

Acrobat 6.0 (PDF 1.5)

Acrobat 7.0 (PDF 1.6) and Acrobat X (PDF 1.7)

PDFs can be opened with Acrobat 3.0 and Acrobat Reader 3.0 and later.

PDFs can be opened with Acrobat 3.0 and Acrobat Reader 3.0 and later. However, features specific to later versions may be lost or not viewable.

Most PDFs can be opened with Acrobat 4.0 and Acrobat Reader 4.0 and later. However, features specific to later versions may be lost or not viewable.

Most PDFs can be opened with Acrobat 4.0 and Acrobat Reader 4.0 and later. However, features specific to later versions may be lost or not viewable.

Cannot contain artwork that uses live transparency effects. Any transparency must be flattened prior to converting to PDF 1.3.

Supports the use of live transparency in artwork. (The Acrobat Distiller feature flattens transparency.)

Supports the use of live transparency in artwork. (The Acrobat Distiller feature flattens transparency.)

Supports the use of live transparency in artwork. (The Acrobat Distiller feature flattens transparency.)

Layers are not supported.

Layers are not supported.

Preserves layers when creating PDFs from applications that support the generation of layered PDF documents, such as Illustrator CS and later or InDesign CS and later.

Preserves layers when creating PDFs from applications that support the generation of layered PDF documents, such as Illustrator CS and later or InDesign CS and later.

DeviceN color space with 8 colorants is supported.

DeviceN color space with 8 colorants is supported.

DeviceN color space with up to 31 colorants is supported.

DeviceN color space with up to 31 colorants is supported.

Multibyte fonts can be embedded. (Distiller converts the fonts when embedding.)

Multibyte fonts can be embedded.

Multibyte fonts can be embedded.

Multibyte fonts can be embedded.

40-bit RC4 security supported.

128-bit RC4 security supported.

128-bit RC4 security supported.

128-bit RC4 and 128-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) security supported.

You can save and reuse your own Adobe PDF preset definitions. You can also share a custom preset by sending a copy of the resulting file to other users. Those users can then add it to the Distiller applications installed on their own computers.

PDF settings files have the extension .joboptions. Custom preset files are stored in the following locations.

The settings file appears as the selected option in the DefaultSettings menu.

When converting PostScript files toPDF, you can compress vector objects (such as text and line art)and compress and downsample images. Line art is described with amathematical equation and is usually created with a drawing program suchas Adobe Illustrator. Images—whether color, monochrome, or grayscale—aredescribed as pixels and are created with applications like AdobePhotoshop or by scanning. Monochrome images include most black-and-whiteillustrations made by paint programs and any images scanned withan image depth of 1 bit.

Whenyou downsample (or decrease the number of pixels), information is deletedfrom the image. With Distiller, you specify an interpolation method—averagedownsampling, bicubic downsampling, or subsampling—to determine howpixels are deleted. Depending on the settings you choose, compressionand downsampling can significantly reduce the size of a PDF withlittle or no loss of detail and precision.

When Distiller processes a file, it normally applies the compressionsettings to images throughout the file. However, you can assigndifferent compression and downsampling methods to individual images.

Varying the compression and downsampling methodswithin a PDF

Before you create a PDF, you can take variousapproaches to applying different compression and downsampling optionsto the individual images that will go into that PDF:


To apply the inserted Distiller parameters, select Allow PostScript File To Override Adobe PDF Settings on the Advanced panel of the Adobe PDF Settings dialog box in Distiller. This option overrides settings you selected in the Adobe PDF dialog box.

Distillerapplies ZIP compression to text and line art, ZIP or JPEG compressionto color and grayscale images, and ZIP, CCITT Group 3 or 4, or RunLength compression to monochrome images.

A. ZIP B. JPEG C. CCITT D. RunLength

Youcan choose from the following compression methods:

Works well on images with large areas of single colors or repeating patterns, and for black-and-white images that contain repeating patterns. Acrobat supports only 8-bit ZIP compression, which is lossless; that is, data is not removed to reduce file size, so image quality is not affected.


Adobe implementation of the ZIP filter is derived from the zlib package of Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler, whose generous assistance we gratefully acknowledge.

Suitable for grayscale or color images,such as continuous-tone photographs. JPEG is lossy,which means that it removes image data and may reduce image quality;however, it attempts to reduce file size with the minimum loss of information.Because JPEG compression eliminates data, it can achieve much smallerfile sizes than ZIP compression.

Availableonly for monochrome bitmap images. CCITT (Consultative Committeeon International Telegraphy and Telephony)compression is appropriate for black-and-white images and any imagesscanned with an image depth of 1 bit. Group 4 is a general-purposemethod that produces good compression for most monochrome images.Group 3, used by most fax machines, compresses monochromeimages one row at a time.

Produces the best results for images that contain large areasof solid white or black.

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