XDK for Java components are included with Oracle Database. This chapter assumes that you installed XDK with Oracle Database and installed the demo programs from the Oracle Database Examples media. For a description of the XDK directory structure, see 'About Installing XDK'.

Example 3-1 lists the main directories under the Oracle home directory for Java (This is the UNIX directory structure.) The contents of the subdirectories are listed individually, after the example.

What Is ojdbc6.jar for Oracle 11g R2 What Is ojdbc6.jar for Oracle 11g R2? Ojdbc6.jar for Oracle 11g R2 is the JAR files of ojdbc.jar, JDBC Driver for Oracle, to support Oracle 11g R2 database server and Java 6, 7, and 8. JAR File Size and Download Location: JAR name: ojdbc6.jar Target JDK version: 6 Dependency: None File name: ojdbc6. Here is the list of artifacts available on Oracle Maven repository: is the same for all versions. Make sure to change the and to the exact jar that you want to download. Refer to Get Oracle JDBC drivers and UCP from the Oracle Maven Repository - NetBeans, Eclipse.


The bin directory contains these components:

The lib directory contains these JAR and ZIP files:

The jlib directory contains these JAR files:

The jdbc directory contains this lib subdirectory:

The rdbms directory contains this jlib subdirectory:

And, the xdk directory contains this demo subdirectory:

The /xdk/demo/java subdirectories contain sample programs and data files for XDK for Java components. The chapters inOracle XML Developer's Kit for Java explain how to use these programs to learn about the most important Java features.

Download Ojdbc6.jar

See Also:

Table 1-1 for descriptions of individual XDK for Java components

A JDBC example to show you how to connect to a Oracle database with a JDBC driver.

Tested with:

  • Java 8
  • Oracle database 19c
  • Oracle JDBC driver for Java 8, ojdbc8.jar

1. Download Oracle JDBC Driver

Visit Oracle database website and download the Oracle JDBC Driver.

2. JDBC Connection

Find your Oracle SID in {ORACLE_HOME}/network/admin/tnsnames.ora to avoid the popular ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID

2.1 Make a connection to the Oracle database.

Compile and run:

2.2 Assume ojdbc8.jar and JDBCExample.java are stored in c:test together. Define a -cp option to load everything together:

3. Maven Project

3.1 Sorry, due to Oracle license restriction, the Oracle JDBC driver is NOT available in the Maven central repository. Follow this guide to add it – How to add Oracle JDBC driver in your Maven local repository

3.2 Alternatively, defined a system scope to find the .jar file with a specified system path.



Download Source Code

$ git clone https://github.com/mkyong/java-jdbc.git
Oracle Ojdbc6 Jar Download

Oracle Thin Jdbc Driver Download


About the Author

Founder of Mkyong.com, love Java and open source stuff. Follow him on Twitter. If you like my tutorials, consider make a donation to these charities.

Oracle Ojdbc6 Jar Download For Windows 10
